Dear Friends of the Citrin Center,
We are writing to thank you for your support and also to let you know about
changes within the Center and about an exciting array of upcoming events.
The Citrin Center’s administrative home is the Political Science Department at
Berkeley, and we are affiliated with Social Science Matrix which houses and helps
administer an array of social science research programs. The Citrin Center is
managed by a Faculty Executive Committee. From our inception this Committee
has included Professors Gabriel Lenz (chair), Laura Stoker, and Amy Lerman.





In Fall 2019, the Citrin Center sponsored two well-attended events bearing on the
upcoming presidential election: “Will it Still be the Economy Stupid in 2020?” and
“Who’s on First? The Democratic Race at the End of the Democratic Primary.”
See the presentations and videos at
In addition, the Center awarded the first set of its annual Graduate Research Awards to:
- Matt Brundage: “Survey Experiments on Income Inequality and Relative
- Deprivation”
- Sean Freeder: “The Role of Political Correctness in Elite Communication”
- Elizabeth Mitchell: “All the Wrong Reasons: The Role of Justifications in Political
- Behavior”
- Rhea Myerscough: “Does Public Opinion on Payday Lending Vary by Racial
- Groups?”
We hope many of you will attend our programs this spring. Here is the schedule,
with all events held in the Social Science Matrix Conference Room, 8th Floor in
Barrows Hall. You will be receiving invitations with more details for each program
at the appropriate time.
February 28, 3-5pm
The California Primary and Super Tuesday
John Pérez – Chair, UC Board of Regents, Speaker Emeritus California State Assembly
Mark DiCamillio – Director, IGS Survey
David Lauter – Washington Bureau Chief, Los Angeles Times
Chair: David Carrillo – Executive Director California Constitution Center, Berkeley Law
March 6, 3-5pm: Book Talk and Discussion
Immigration and the American Ethos (Cambridge University Press 2020)
Morris Levy – Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Southern California
Matthew Wright – Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of British Columbia
Nicholas Valentino – Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan
Irene Bloemraad – Professor of Sociology and Director of the Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative, University of California Berkeley
Citrin Award Lecture
Diana Mutz
Samuel A. Stouffer Professor of Political Science and Communications
University of Pennsylvania

May 8, 10 am-5pm
Citrin Center Annual Conference:
Is Misinformation a Threat to American Democracy?
Katherine Levine Einstein
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Boston University
Miriam Metzger
Professor of Communication, University of California Santa Barbara
Brendan Nyhan
Professor of Government, Dartmouth College
Nathaniel Persily
James B. McClatchy Professor of Law, Stanford University
Ann Ravel
Lecturer, University of California Berkeley Law
Director Digital Deception Project at Maplight
Former Chair, U.S. Federal Election Commission
John Thomas
President of Thomas Partners Strategies
Host KFI Los Angeles Thomas Guide Show
CNN Political Commentator
Emily Thorson
Assistant Professor and Campbell Senior Research Associate
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University
Joshua Tucker
Professor of Politics, New York University
Director NYU Social Media and Political Participation Lab
Emily Vraga
Don and Carole Larson Professor in Health Communication
Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Minnesota