Dear Friends of The Citrin Center
We are excited to welcome you to a new year of Citrin Center activities as
the 2023-2024 academic year commences. Last year was one of progress and
achievement as the Center returned to in-person activities after two years of life
under Zoom. The upcoming year leading up to the presidential election promises to be of great interest. More information about these events will be sent out via email through this mailing list.
Upcoming Citrin Center Events
Sept. 18, 2023 | Book talk: Diversity’s Child: People of Color and the Politics of Identity with Efrén Pérez (UCLA) |
Oct. 19, 2023 | 2023 Citrin Award Lecture, honoring Nate Cohn (New York Times) |
Nov. 3, 2022 | Panel: The Great Awokening, featuring Andrew Engelhardt (Stony Brook), Zach Goldberg (Manhattan Institute) and Deborah Schildkraut (Tufts) and Anna Mikkelborg (UC Berkeley) |
Nov. 14, 2023 | Book talk: Issue Publics: How Electoral Constituencies Hide in Plain Sight with Tim Ryan (UNC Chapel Hill) |
Review of 2022-23 Events
Last year the Center hosted an unprecedented ten events with solid attendance at all. Highlights included the biennial Citrin Center Conference, “Misinformation and the Consequences for David Broockman, Donald Green and Jack Citrin at the Award Lecture American Democracy”, which featured four panels and a keynote address by Professor Nathaniel Persily of Stanford Law School; the Annual Award Lecture, “Does Political Propaganda Work?” honoring Professor Donald Green of Columbia University, and another distinguished lecture by Professor John McWhorter of Columbia and the New York Times, “Policing the Pitfalls of Language.

In addition, the Center presented three panels on the changing dimensions of ethnic politics in American elections and inaugurated a new program featuring talks on important new books addressing public opinion, political culture and electoral politics. Recordings are available for many of our events, please see the website pages for specific events for more information or contact us directly.
Student Support
The Citrin Center has an active program of support for graduate student research. Every year several outstanding incoming students to the Berkeley Department of Political Science Graduate Program are named Citrin Fellows and awarded a research stipend. This fall the new fellows are Sara Jozer and Andrew Zhao. More information can be found at programs/graduate-student-fellows/
In addition, students may receive research for specific projects subject to review and approval by the Center Faculty Executive Committee. In 2022-23 the recipient Nathaniel Persily at the Citrin Center Conference John McWhorter at his lecture was Rebekah Jones: “Do Different: Crime Politics and the Third Dimension of Justice.” The students reports on their research are available at
Leadership & Administration
The Citrin Center is part of the Charles and Louise Travers Department of Political Science and is an affiliated unit of Social Science Matrix. It is directed by a Faculty Executive Committee. For five years, the Chair of the Committee with major responsibility for the direction of the Center has been Professor Gabriel Lenz. Gabe is now on sabbatical leave so this is an opportunity to thank him for his tireless efforts on behalf of the Citrin Center. The new Chair of the Executive Committee is Professor David Brookman who already has been active in inaugurating the program of book reviews and organizing other major events. Professor Laura Stoker once again was responsible for organizing and directing the biennial conference and Professor Amy Lerman has supervised the student research program. The Citrin Center receives no financial support from the Berkeley campus and is funded entirely from private donations to its endowment. If you wish to contribute to our efforts please see this page:
We can always be reached via email at We look forward to seeing you and hearing from you soon.
David Broockman,
Director, Citrin Center for Public Opinion Research, UC Berkeley