2019 Citrin Conference

Gender and Politics on the Eve of 2020

The Citrin Conference is an annual event of the Citrin Center for Public Opinion Research, which is housed within the Charles and Louise Travers Department of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley. The Conference invites leading scholars and practitioners to present their research and discuss a pressing topic in politics and public policy, emphasizing the role of public opinion. The 2018 conference addressed trust in government and the rise of populism in the age of Trump. In 2019, we focus on gender and politics, a particularly salient topic in a year where a historic number of women are running for president. 

Conference Program 

Gender, Candidates, and Representation

Melody Crowder-Meyer, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Davidson College, Presentation slides

Diana O’Brien, Associate Professor of Political Science, Texas A&M, Presentation slides

Jessica Preece, Associate Professor of Political Science, Brigham Young University, Presentation slides

Emily West, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Pittsburgh,Presentation slides

Moderator: Terri Bimes, Lecturer of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley

Roundtable on Gender and the 2020 Election

Katie Merrill, Partner and National Campaign Director, Baughman Merrill

Dave Metz, President, FM3 Research

Dan Schnur, Senior Fellow, University of Southern California

Moderator: Robert Van Houweling, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley

Gender and Voters           

Rachel Bernhard, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of California, Davis,Presentation slides

Kelly Dittmar, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Rutgers University, Presentation slides

Cecilia Mo, Assistant Professor of Political ScienceUniversity of California, Berkeley,  Presentation slides

Moderator: Laura Stoker, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley

For questions, please contact the Citrin Center at citrincenter@berkeley.edu